Conan gray

Taking on the wistful and the brave, conan gray is more than just the crowned prince of sadboy pop

Conan Gray’s Love Life — Girlfriend & Sexuality

Singer Conan Gray grew popular after he started posting videos of his songs and vlogs online on YouTube. And, with the rising popularity of his music, he finally made it big when he was approached and signed by Republic Records in 2018.

Conan Gray was nineteen and still didn’t have had his first kiss. SOURCE: Instagram

Following that, Gray has been making hit singles such as Heather and Maniac which went platinum in Australia. No wonder, Gray grabbed the attention of millions of girls on an international level.

But, is Gray dating anyone? Does he have a girlfriend? To say the least, any girl would be lucky to have Gray as her boyfriend, but not everyone would be lucky to have that. But, to break the good news for his fans, Gray is currently single right now and remains reluctant to comment on his love life.

During a candid interview in 2022, the Maniac singer disclosed that he has never experienced dating anyone throughout his life. This straightforward revelation certainly addresses any inquiries about his relationship status. However, it leaves us in suspense regarding whether he is currently involved with someone romantically. But it seems he does not have a girlfriend yet and is single. 

Check out the clip of Conan Gray singing various songs! 

Not to mention, Gray revealed in an interview that he was yet to have his first kiss. On the other hand, Gray has also been rumored to be gay. But, Conan who often makes bisexual jokes and tweets had not confirmed being a heterosexual.

But, then since he hasn’t confirmed anything himself about his sexuality yet, fans often become confused because of his dressing choices. Then again, Gray’s songs are usually about women. But, the day won’t be too far once Gray finally gets a romantic partner that will make things perspective clearer.

Meanwhile, Conan has been closer to fellow teenage pop sensation Olivia Rodrigo since 2020. Conan and Rodrigo were photographed many times publicly by the paparazzi. But, it seemed like Conan and Olivia were only just friends.

There is no doubt that there are many girls out there who would love to be his girlfriend but Conan seems to do just fine being single. 

What are some themes you explore in Kid Krow, and how are they different from Sunset Season now that you’re an actual adult?


With Sunset Season, my main intention was to write about my senior year of high school, but with Kid Krow, I felt like I had so much to say because my life changed so much since I was a high schooler. Since Kid Krow is my debut album, I felt like I needed to tell my life story. The album covers my childhood and my current life…which is in a weird space right now because I’m right on the cusp of being a kid but also not being a kid. With any transition, you’re gonna fail, make mistakes, and then try to figure it out—that’s what your 20s are all about. More than anything, my album talks about adolescent confusion and finding out what it’s like to grow up. It’s about falling in love for the first time, getting your heart broken for the first time, and thinking back to your youth with a newfound perspective now that you’re a little older.

Conan Gray On Past Anguish & Unhealthy Relationships

Sometimes we’re in relationships that we don’t want to end, even though subconsciously we know they aren’t good for us. It can be difficult to recognize an unhealthy relationship, especially when you still love the person. Toxicity in media is always easy for the viewers to recognize, but in real life it’s more subtle. And it can be painfully difficult to accept. A good relationship can slowly become toxic, so it’s easy to make excuses for someone that you have good memories of. Being able to recognize a relationship as emotionally harmful is a skill that people struggle with throughout their lives.

Conan Gray’s “Wish You Were Sober” and “The Cut That Always Bleeds” perfectly captures the internal disharmony that occurs when you are being mistreated by someone you love and cherish. When a loved one associated with happiness, safety, and affection treats you poorly, your brain reaches a crossroad. The person’s behavior is either toxic and you need to leave, or it’s okay and you can stay. When you stand at that crossroad, you experience extreme discomfort and instability.

“Wish You Were Sober”

The song “Wish You Were Sober” focuses on an incident from Conan Gray’s teenage years in which his crush would confess their love for him, but only when they were black out drunk. The song embodies the pain and frustration of being loved and hurt by the same person over and over again. While it’s an emotionally harmful situation, it’s difficult to leave when the good is mixed with the bad.

Credit: Conan Gray | “Wish You Were Sober” (Official Lyric Video)

To resolve the dissonance,  Gray’s crush needs to love him while sober, or reject him while drunk. Conan Gray’s crush needs to decide what they want, but so does Gray. Conan Gray expresses this with the lyrics “I’ma crawl outta the window no/Getting good at saying, ‘gotta bounce’/Honestly you always let me down.” While Conan Gray wants his crush to honestly choose to be with him, he accepts that this situation needs to come to end. This is an exhausting situation. And he’s aware that he doesn’t need to wait around. While leaving isn’t easy, it’s a path he’s considering.

“The Cut That Always Bleeds”

“The Cut That Always Bleeds” describes a similar cognitive dissonance. The song is described as a “melodramatic break-up ballad” about a person that keeps breaking Conan Gray’s heart. He wants to move on, but they keep coming back and abandoning, a toxic pattern. The lyrics “I don’t love you anymore/A pretty line that I adore/Five words that I’ve heard before” paint a clear picture. His crush repeatedly rejects him, but they keep Conan Gray on the hook, a “plan b” that they can always come back to.

Conan Gray is a “lover on a lease” and is aware how toxic this dynamic is. They won’t commit to Conan, but they also won’t give the space to heal from the heartbreak they cause. They just come and go as they wish, disregarding his feelings. While he is aware this behavior is unacceptable, he keeps accepting them when they come back, accepting the painful consequences. Conan Gray knows he shouldn’t be treated this way, but keeps the dynamic going, showing how difficult it is to end a relationship. Many people have done the same, hoping that things will be different this next time. 

Credit: Conan Gray | “The Cut That Always Bleeds” (Lyric Video)

Both songs demonstrate that acknowledging a harmful relationship is the difficult first step towards a break up, or towards change. In both these songs, Conan Gray wants to give his crush a chance. Sometimes honestly expressing problems to a person can lead to positive change in a relationship. Change takes a lot of time and effort, but when done right it can strengthen a relationship. But sometimes, the people we open ourselves up to view our honesty as inconveniences. Sometimes a relationship is beyond repair. That’s when we should leave.

But even when we understand that leaving is what we need to do, it’s difficult because that person still makes us feel happy or loved or taken care of or hopeful. Or maybe they don’t anymore, but we cling to the past when they did. Good memories create a dissonance with a toxic present and make it hard for us to end a relationship. Both songs capture the desire for escape and hope for change that happens before a break up.

Детские и юношеские годы

Конан Ли Грей (полное имя исполнителя) родился в Сан-Диего (Калифорния). Он появился на свет 5 декабря 1998 года. Своей неординарной внешности он обязан родителям. Дело в том, что его мать по национальности японка, а отец ирландец.

Интересно, что когда мама вынашивала Конана Грея, то у неё диагностировали смертельное заболевание – рак. Врачи всеми силами старались убедить женщину прерывать беременность, но она отказалась.

Несколько лет Конан Ли Грей жил на территории Хиросимы. Дедушки мальчика требовался уход в связи с ухудшением здоровья, и семье пришлось переехать, чтобы поддержать родственника. Кстати, в детстве мальчик владел японским языком, но вскоре забыл его из-за отсутствия практики.

Детские годы Конана Ли Грея нельзя назвать добрыми и положительными. Когда семья переехала на территорию Соединённых Штатов Америки, его родители развелись. Мальчик остался под опекой отца. С этого момента в семье начало происходит всякое – нехватка средств на еду, потасканная одежда, задолженность за коммунальные услуги, много слёз и претензий от папы.

Глава семейства служил в армии. Грей, вместе с отцом часто менял место жительства. Именно из-за этого мальчик сменил более 10 школ, где в каждом учебном заведении над ним издевались из-за его нетипичной внешности. Буллинг негативно сказывался на состоянии его психического здоровья. Вскоре семья перебралась в Джорджтаун.

В детстве он мечтал о карьере модели. Мальчик репетировал фирменную ходьбу перед зеркалом. Кроме того, в подростковом возрасте он увлёкся написанием музыкальных композиций. Он был вдохновлён творчеством Pure Heroine и Тейлор Свифт.

Conan Gray (Конан Грей): Биография артиста

Подробности личной жизни артиста

Конан Грей – достаточно нестандартный парень. Многие называют его «женственным молодым человеком», а всё из-за того, что он любит наносить макияж и одевать женскую надежду. В сети часто можно встретить фотографии артиста в коротких юбках.

Когда речь заходила об ориентации молодого человека, то он отвечал довольно-таки резко. Парень уверен, что нанесение макияжа – не показатель того, что он гей.  Конан Грей посоветовал обществу не вешать ярлыки и не помещать людей в «коробки».

Певец не говорит открыто о том, что сейчас происходит на личном фронте. Но если проанализировать социальные сети артиста, то напрашивается один вывод – его сердце свободно.

Does Joyce Meyer have cancer?

Over three decades ago, Meyer was diagnosed with breast cancer. She learned about the illness during a routine check-up that included a mammogram. The doctor told her about the discovery of a small, suspicious tumor and the need for a biopsy.

The subsequent test results revealed a very fast-growing type of cancer, leading the doctors to recommend the removal of her breast as the best course of action at that time.

This was a deeply concerning time for Meyer, as her ministry was in its early stages and relied heavily on weekly meetings for financial support.

In a moment of anxiety, the author cried out to God for help. Later, in the early hours of the morning, she felt a comforting assurance that everything would be alright. Although she did not know how God would take care of her, she knew that he would.

After Meyer’s surgery, she was sent to an oncologist to determine further treatment. To her surprise, the oncologist said, “None. Your problem is solved!” While they were thankful that she no longer had cancer, there was still a need for money to cover ministry expenses until she could resume work.

Then, a remarkable event unfolded. One night, as they sat in their family room watching television, the doorbell rang. When Meyer’s husband Dave answered, a stranger handed him a check for $10,000, claiming that God had directed him to give it to the ministry.

Now, looking back on those moments, the author still believes in God’s response to prayers. She is confident that God will be faithful once again, just as He was then.

Best Conan Gray Quotes

“You like me, obviously So why are you trying to leave when you know that I’m the king?”

“Other lovers give you no luck ‘Cause I’m the only one that has made you fall in love”

I know when you’re done you’ll come running my way So I let you

“I know when you’re done you’ll come running my way So I let you”

“Date everyone and complain that you can’t find a lover ‘Cause I’m the only one when the chemistry fades”

“I’m the one you’re coming to when you’re feeling alone”

“Something’s gotten into you You don’t really look at me the way you used to”

“I’m hoping it ain’t true Every single rumour that I’ve heard of you say”

“You were off with someone that I don’t know Calling other people on your telephone Kinda wish I didn’t know”

“Well, fight or flight I’d rather die Than have to cry in front of you”

Listen to yourself, think you need to get some help

“Fight or flight I’d rather lie Than tell you, I’m in love with you”

“My eyes are welling up, as you admit there’s someone new It’s my move”

“Mama’s got a new man And daddy’s got a new mansion to keep He never really calls back ‘Cause he’s got too many finances to reap”

“Money, money, ain’t it funny, honey When you get what you need Baby, life is a breeze”

Conan Gray Quotes For Instagram

“Nineteen but you act twenty-five now Knees weak, but you talk pretty proudly, wow”

“Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed Take me where the music ain’t too loud”

“Save me ’till the party is over Kiss me in the seat of your Rover Real sweet, but I wish you were sober”

This town will never change People come and go, it’s all the same

“Tripped down the road, walking home You kissed me at your door Pulling me close, begging me to stay over But I’m over this rollercoaster”

“You think you’re funny right? Calling me drunk when it’s too late at night Telling me truths that you know all are lies”

“You think you’re super sly Flirting with them but telling me you’re mine”

“I’ve gotten tired of the games that you play When you tell me you love me then you throw me away”

“So cry me a river ’til you drown in the lake ‘Cause you may think you’re winning but Checkmate”

“Now this is getting fun I saw you kissing someone else’s tongue You said that I’m the only one you love”

You’re gonna wish you never harmed me

“Holding your hand but in the other one I’m holding a loaded gun Yeah baby you should really run”

“I’m gonna get you gone Can’t play me like your pawn Set fire to your lawn Just like you did to my heart”

“You’re gonna wish you never harmed me”

“You did some damage so I’m making you pay And no one’s ever gonna love you anyway”

Clay Aiken’s dating history

Clay has never entered into marriage, yet he has navigated several relationships. Notably, he was in a relationship with former Survivor contestant Reed Kelly from 2008 to 2010.

After their separation, the singer was reportedly romantically linked to Devin Finn in 2010. Subsequently, he entered into a relationship with Jeff Walters, which lasted from 2010 to 2011.

Following the breakup with Walters, Clay opted for a more private approach to his romantic affairs, choosing to keep a low profile in this aspect of his personal life.

However, a peek into his Instagram activity in June 2020 unveiled a photo featuring Broadway talent Thayne Jasperson. In a playful caption, the singer remarked, “I’ve been told we never take any pictures together,” implying a connection that seemed to warrant more visual documentation.

Conan Gray Quotes Funny

“We are the worthless, cursed with too much time We get into trouble and lose our minds”

“Something that I’ve heard a million times in my life Generation Why”

“Parents think we’re fast asleep But as soon as we’re home we’re sneaking out the window”

Why would you ever kiss me? I’m not even half as pretty

“At this rate of earth decay, Our world’s ending at noon Could we all just move to the moon?”

“I don’t care if I’m forever alone I’m not falling for you ‘Cause this baby is love proof”

“I don’t care what you’re sayin’ I don’t wanna participate in your game of manipulation”

“I don’t want your sympathy, all this love is suffocating Just let me be sad and lonely”

“Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out I know what you’re doin’, trying to get me to pursue you”

“Oh, no, don’t look in their eyes ‘Cause that’s how they get you Kiss you then forget you”

We are the helpless, selfish, one of a kind millennium kids, that all wanna die

“All they feedin’ you is beautiful lies So hide in the bathroom ‘Til they find someone else new”

“Shut your damn mouth You’re talking too loud And no one cares if you two made out I’m sick of the kissing cult”

“Let me tell you a story About a boy and a girl It’s kinda short, kinda boring But the end is a whirl”

Brief on Clay Aiken’s early life

Clay’s roots trace back to Raleigh, North Carolina, where he spent his formative years deeply immersed in music. His early passion for music was evident as a young boy, singing in the Raleigh Boychoir.

As a teenager, the singer’s musical journey extended to school choirs, church choirs, musicals, and local theatre productions. Post high school, he took the lead with the local band, Just By Chance, and co-hosted and performed in Just by Chance and Friends shows in Dunn, North Carolina.

Clay Aiken had a passion for singing since his childhood. (Source: DailyMail)

Simultaneously, Clay showcased his musical talents as the MC and performer at various events, including the Johnston Community College Country Showcase in Smithfield and the North Carolina Music Connection.

Later, in 1995, the singer embarked on a career at the YMCA. At the age of 19, he ventured into the realm of education by serving as a substitute teacher for a classroom of autistic students at Brentwood Elementary School in Raleigh.

He also took on a part-time role as an assistant to a boy with autism. Serendipitously, it was the child’s mother, Diane Bubel, who encouraged him to audition for American Idol, setting in motion the next chapter of his remarkable journey.

Who is Conan Gray’s Sister?

God has blessed him with an older sister. But he is yet to reveal the identity of his sister. Conan is very close to his sister and often posts his and his sister’s photos on his Twitter account. Like other brothers, Gray is a bit possessive regarding his sister. They both have a great bond.

Caption: Conan with his sister (Photo: Twitter)

Also, these children of the Gray family are more like best friends than siblings. Conan regarded his older sister as his best friend and shares and everything with her. These siblings share the cutest bond ever. Moreover, the name of his sister has not been revealed.

Is Conan Gray Gay?

Like other teenagers, this star is also very active on Twitter. He has posted and talked frankly about his sexuality. In August 2018, Conan said he doesn’t recognize him as gay. He may be bisexual cause Conan mention one of his friends name Ashely as his boyfriend. But till now, they have not revealed their relation. On 3rd December 2019, he posted a picture where Matty Healy was kissing him on his social media account.

Caption: Conan Gray with Noah Cyrus (Photo: Instagram)

In his music videos, Conan prefers both boys and girls as a love partner. But he is yet to confirm his sexuality and doesn’t know how to mention his sexuality. Conan once tweeted a tweet saying,

And again tweeted saying,

Caption: Matty Healy kissing Conan Gray (Photo: Pinterest)

Almost all of his fans are curious to know his sexuality since someone questioned that is he gay. Maybe Conan Gray is not gay but maybe bisexual. People who ask about his sexuality irritates Conan. Till now, Canon has not been opened about him being gay or bisexual.

Although Gray does not agree that he is gay but sometimes he cracks bisexual jokes. Well, we do not think he will ever be coming with the truth. Conan is one of the people who doesn’t think that tag does matter. Moreover, he is one of them who feels you should love yourself and feel comfortable about who you are, what you are, and how you are.

Profile summary

Real name Conan Lee Gray
Gender Male
Date of birth December 5 1998
Place of birth Lemon Grove, San Diego, California
Age 24 years old (as of 2023)
Zodiac sign Sagittarius
Place of birth Lemon Grove, California, United States
Current residence Los Angeles, California, United States
Nationality American
Ethnicity Irish-Japanese
Religion Christianity
Sexuality Gay
Height in feet 5’9″
Height in centimetres 175
Weight in pounds 149
Weight in kilograms 68
Hair colour Dark brown
Eye colour Dark brown
Siblings 1
Relationship status Single
High School Georgetown High School
University University of California
Occupation Singer, songwriter, and internet personality
Instagram @conangray
Conan Gray

You moved around a lot as a kid, which must’ve been really tough. How did that part of your upbringing trickle into your music?

Moving around always forced me to be the new kid. Because of that, I was very, very shy and I didn’t really talk at all. I think that made me much more of an observer of life than a participant. Writing songs allowed me to express myself in a way that made sense in my head, but I didn’t have to say anything publicly. I could sing my songs online, and no one would ever know that I never said a single world to anybody at school. Making art, writing songs, and filming videos was just my way of controlling my reality. It was my way of speaking….I’m honestly not a big fan of talking…I think everyone on Earth talks way too much.

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Conan Gray- FAQs

Who is Conan Gray?

Conan Gray is an American singer. He rose to fame after his solo debut ”Idle Town’Town’ went viral on platforms like Youtube and Spotify. He has had a booming career in the industry since then.

Where is Conan Gray from?

Gray was born in Lemon Grove, California. Since his infant days, he travelled to places like Hiroshima. The reason was his ailing grandfather and his father’s military career.

Generation Why Conan Gray

Through his song “Generation“, he has expressed his opinion about his generation. He thinks his generation is complete trash as there are no caring guardians and his altogether pessimist sense.

Where does Conan Gray live?

Conan shifted to Los Angeles in 2017. His stay in Texas inspires him to create music and art. As a preteen, he was settled in Georgetown, Texas.

How long is the Conan Gray concert?

He is concert lasts an average of 1 hour and 3 minutes. The duration of his concert depends on the setlist he will be performing. 

How much are Conan Gray tickets?

His concert tickets are priced at various ranges: $ 46, $ 34, $56, $ 73 and $ 143. The front-row tickets are priced at $ 210 and as low as $ 95. 

When is Conan Gray releasing a new album?

His album “Superache” was released on June 24, 2022. His fans were also excited about his musical world tour across several parts of the world.

Who is Conan Gray dating in 2022?

In an interview with GQ, he said he never got involved in any relationship as he became nervous. His present romantic relationship status is single.

What songs will Conan Gray sing on tour?

He is all set to treat his fans to another musical tour in 2023. His setlist most probably comprises 17 songs, including songs like “Wish you were sober“,” “Jigsaw“, “Maniac“,” etc.

What time is Conan Gray performing at Coachella?

Mr Gray performed at Coachella one day after releasing his new song “Memories“. The concert occurred on April 16th and 23rd (Saturdays) at around 4:20 p.m.

When was Astronomy by Conan Gray released?

“Astronomy” was the 5th track of his sophomore album “Superache“. The song was released on May 7, 2021. It is about a romantic relationship falling apart because the loved one is not the same as earlier. 

What is Conan Gray’s net worth?

He has a net worth of $ 4 million. As per the current reports, his annual earnings vary from $ 228K – 301.3K. Like most celebrities, he also has a pretty impressive collection of cars like Subaru Brat, Toyota Prius, Mercury Topaz cs, and Ford Monster Truck.

Who is Conan Gray’sGray’s manager?

His busy celebrity life is managed by two people, Colette Patnaude and Eddie Wintle. There is little information available about his other contact information.

Was Conan Gray nominated for a Grammy?

Mr Gray has not been nominated for a Grammy once to date. However, he has won several other prestigious recognitions, like the Shorty Awards in the category of Best Youtube Musician.

How old was Conan Gray when he got famous?

The heart-wrenching lyrics of “Heather” also created a wave on TikTok in 2020. He initially got famous with the song “Idle Town” in 2017. His Youtube channel has become a hit since then.

Where did Conan Gray go to school?

He pursued his schooling at Georgetown High School. Conan later enrolled at the University of California, LA, to pursue higher education. He became a frequent victim of bullying, being an Asian kid. 

Who are Conan Gray Parents?

On 5th December 1998, Conan Gray was born in San Diego, California. He was born to an Irish father and a Japanese mother. When he was just a baby, Conan moved with his family to Hiroshima, Japan so they could take care of his grandfather cause his grandfather became seriously ill and he needed care, at that time.

Caption: Conan with his mother (Photo: Pinterest)

Two years later when his grandfather was dead, they moved back to California. At the age of three, Gray’s parents got separated. He even mentioned in his video ’50 Things About Me’ when his parents divorced. Moreover, in his video ‘Reading Hate Comments’ Conan opened about the time when he used to be physically and verbally abused.

Quavo’s dating history

In 2017, Quavo briefly dated actress and model Karrueche Tran. Despite being seen together in public several times throughout the spring of that year, neither verified the status of their reported relationship.

During an interview on the Allegedly with Theo Von and Matthew Cole Weiss podcast in October 2017, Tran denied the couple’s relationship.

“No, we’re cool friends, we hung out, but it was nothing serious,” she added of the rapper. Quavo and Tran were believed to be dating again in January 2022 after being photographed on vacation together in Saint Martin at the start of the new year.

The two were spotted wandering amid their vacation, taking in the magnificent mountain views together. When the photographs began to circulate on Twitter, admirers became concerned that they had renewed their love.

The couple reignited dating suspicions in March when they were seen out on a dinner date at The Nice Guy Italian restaurant in West Hollywood.

In March 2023, Tran shut down all dating rumors and confirmed that she was not his girlfriend and the two were not together.

Quavo began dating Saweetie in September 2018 —  his most public relationship so far. After dating for over two years, on March 19, 2021, Saweetie confirmed via social media that she and Quavo are no longer in a relationship. 

She also mentioned on social media that Quavo had been unfaithful, writing, “Presents don’t band-aid scars and the love isn’t real when the intimacy is given to other women.”

She also wrote that she had been emotionally checked out of the relationship while they were dating since Quavo cheated on her. She penned, “I emotionally checked out a long time ago and have walked away with a deep sense of peace and freedom. Excited for this new chapter of elevation.”

In late March 2021, video footage surfaced showing the pair in a physical altercation that allegedly happened in 2020. However, the two have not gotten back since their breakup in March 2021.

Quavo allegedly dated Bernice Burgos and Iggy Azalea after breaking up with Saweetie but there is not much known about it.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: