What brad pitt and angelina jolie’s six children are doing now

What do angelina jolie and brad pitt think about shiloh's dating life?

Is Shiloh Jolie-Pitt Close To Her Parents?


Some celebrities might have troubled relationships with family members such as their parents or even their children. But it seems many are eventually able to work through their problems. Many celebrities also have great relationships with most or all of their family members.

In 2016, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce against Brad Pitt, beginning a rough, public divorce. However, Pitt told ET at one point, «Our (Pitt and Jolie’s) focus is that everyone come out stronger and better people — there is no other outcome.»

According to a Life & Style Magazine article, an insider discussed Shiloh’s close relationship with her father, Brad Pitt. «The pair have a loving, fun and authentic relationship and are cut from the same cloth. Brad never puts pressure on Shiloh and encourages her to pursue her dreams. She feels comfortable talking to her dad about anything.»

The source claims Shiloh and her dad share a lot of the same interests, and like spending time together. The two enjoy «playing music together, watching movies and art, and spend a lot of their time together in his art studio being creative.»

This doesn’t mean Shiloh isn’t close with her mother also. A source told OK Magazine, «Shiloh has tried to coax Brad to be more gentle with her mom. When her mom’s in pain, she’ll attempt to settle her nerves.»

According to Yahoo! one source told In Touch that both Brad and Angelina were proud of Shiloh’s dance skills. «Shiloh can really move. Angie and Brad are impressed, they couldn’t be prouder…»

According to Epic Stream, Star Magazine reported that Shiloh has also shown an interest in modeling. «They’re (modeling agencies) are already reaching out.» While both parents are proud, it seems they disagree on Shiloh starting a modeling career soon.

One source said, » number one rule is that she must attend all meetings and sit in on all photo sessions. Angelina’s very protective as is her dad. He thinks she’s way too young for that and wants her to go to college and earn a degree. He wants to protect her from an industry that’s not always kind to the young an innocent.»

The Girl, Interrupted actor said in an interview with ET that the reason she became interested and got involved with The One and Only Ivan. «Well, Shiloh years ago told me that she had read a book that she loved and she wanted me to read it. I read it on my own and then we looked at some of it together and we talked about why she loved it.»

Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt, 20

David Crotty/Patrick McMullan via Getty

Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt was born on Nov. 29, 2003, in Vietnam, where he spent the first few years of his life in an orphanage outside of Ho Chi Minh City. He was adopted by Jolie in 2007 at age three when she traveled to the country with Maddox. At the time, Jolie adopted the little boy solo as Vietnamese law makes it difficult for unmarried couples to adopt, but he was formally adopted by Pitt in 2008.

Shortly after bringing Pax home, Jolie shared that the little boy was spending time getting accustomed to his surroundings and enjoying his new sense of freedom, calling him a «tough, remarkable little person.»

«He spent 3 1/2 years of his life in one place, in one room, in this one little iron bed with 20 other kids, and having no choice for himself to do things, having no freedom. And suddenly, here he is in a very free situation with new brothers and sisters and a mom and dad. He’s learning English and he’s so loving and he’s wild and free ’cause he suddenly has freedom so he’s a little wild and crazy,» Jolie shared.

JC Olivera/Getty

In the years following his adoption, Jolie shared that Pax formed a close bond with Maddox and was enjoying life with his big family. In 2011, the group returned to Vietnam to explore Pax’s home country ahead of his eighth birthday.

While Pax keeps much of his personal life out of the spotlight, he did make a small appearance in Jolie’s 2016 film Kung Fu Panda 3, voicing the character Yoo. He also assisted Jolie and Maddox on First They Killed My Father, where he served as a set photographer.

In August 2022, Jolie opened up to PEOPLE about working with both Pax and Maddox on Without Blood, an upcoming film she directed. The two young men worked on the Italian set in the assistant director department, which serves as a liaison between the film’s director and other departments.

«We work well together,» Jolie said of her boys. «When a film crew is at its best, it feels like a big family, so it felt natural.»

The private one

Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt

Pax was born in Vietnam in 2003, and sadly abandoned by his biological mother soon after.

Angelina adopted him in March 2007, when he was three years old.


Pax was adopted from Vietnam when he was three years old

Although she and Brad had been dating for two years, Vietnam doesn’t allow adoption by non-married couples, which is why she adopted him as a single parent.

Brad adopted Pax a year later in the USA.

Of all the Jolie-Pitt children, Pax is the most private.

But he had a small voice role in Kung Fu Panda 3 in 2016, which Angelina also worked on, and attended the Golden Globes with his mum in 2018.


He’s the most private but attended the Maleficent premiere with his siblings and mumCredit: Rex

He’s also recently begun learning Vietnamese, the language he spoke as an infant.

Angelina recently revealed how proud she is of her sons.

She wrote in Elle: “I could not be prouder of my sons for the men they are becoming, the way they respect their sisters and are respected by them.”

Erica Fontaine’s short bio

Fontaine is a former West Virginia University (WVU) gymnast with a thriving business called Fontaine Fit.

Her path to success began on the gymnastics floor at West Virginia University, where she studied Strategic Communications with a specialty in Advertising. Despite missing her freshman year due to an injury, she went on to become a star in her own right the next year. 

She earned Academic All-Big 12 First Team honors in 2020 and was a regular on the Dean’s List. Her athletic achievements gained worldwide recognition, and she amassed a sizable social media following thanks to her attractive appearance. 

Fontaine earned the balancing beam and all-around titles at the Region 7 Championships in 2016, according to WVU Sports. She also became a three-year level 10 gymnast at Hill’s Gymnastics, which was a watershed event in her gymnastics career. 

Despite being a talented athlete, she also proved to be an astute businesswoman. As of December 2023, her Instagram feed had 709K followers, where she promotes her business.

She has landed a slew of commercial partnerships once the NCAA changed its regulations to enable players to earn money from brand sponsorships. As a result, Fontaine has risen to extraordinary heights as a social media influencer. 

She recently developed her brand, Fontaine Fit, a fitness and lifestyle brand that connects with fitness fans globally, in addition to the brand deals. Her company includes online training programs and gear, as well as encouraging posts on her own Instagram profile. 

While her reported connection with Quavo made news, she also drew the attention of a few other celebs due to her stunning appearance and abilities. The renowned athlete has previously been romantically connected to Kevin Durant and Damian Lillard; however, details of these rumored relationships are not known.

Все известные факты о причинах развода

Со слов множества западных источников 19 сентября Анджелина подала заявление на развод, в котором одной из причин такого решения указаны стандартные для множества звездных семей «непримиримые разногласия».

Тем не менее, известно, что Джоли также пожаловалась на то, что ей совершенно не нравятся методы воспитания детей, которые использует Брэд Питт. В иске также значится, что у отца многодетного семейства присутствуют проблемы с алкоголем и управлением гневом.

Столь резкая характеристика одного из самых харизматичных актеров нашего времени заставила тысячи его поклонников и журналистов тут же признать, что ни пристрастия к алкогольным напиткам, ни бурные вспышки гнева никогда не были замечены за супругом сильно похудевшей актрисы. Вместе с тем, никто не может исключить того факта, что истинными причинами развода звездной пары действительно стали какие-то личные разногласия и конфликты, которые начались уже давно.

Известно также, что в своем заявлении Энджи отказалась от выплаты алиментов и попросила разрешить Брэду навещать детей по выходным. Шесть детей семейства, естественно, останутся жить с матерью, которая хочет получить над ними полную опеку. На период бракоразводного процесса исполнительница главной роли в мелодраме «У моря» также попросила обеспечить охрану для всех своих отпрысков, а также оставить ее в покое и не задавать никаких вопросов.

Что же касается самого Питта, то он довольно быстро откликнулся на официальное заявление благоверной и сказал, что расторжение их брака действительно оставалось не за горами, однако он очень просил ее оставить все в тайне до поры до времени. Видимо, и здесь супруга актера на захотела идти ему на уступки. Касаемо детей он также добавил, что был бы рад, если бы папарацци и прочие поклонники с пониманием отнеслись к сложному периоду в их жизни и не донимали лишними вопросами и интервью.

Первоначальная информация журнала Inquisitr на счет того, якобы Анджелина решилась подать на развод из-за тайного романа Брэда с его коллегой по съемочной площадке 40-летней француженкой Марион Котийяр (сейчас они вместе снимаются в фильме «Союзники») не подтвердилась. По крайней мере, близкие к паре люди отметили, что если между актерами что-то и было, то это произошло только недавно, тогда как разговор о разводе зашел между супругами очень давно.

Напоследок отметим, что Анджелина познакомились с Брэдом в 2004 году на съемках памятного боевика «Мистер и миссис Смит» и с тех пор начали жить вместе. За это время у них родилось трое совместных детей и еще троих они усыновили. В 2012 году пара объявила о помолвке, а в 2014 году сыграла свадьбу.

Strong-minded like mum

Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt/John

Shiloh — who also likes being called John — was Angelina’s first biological child, born in 2006.

Brad and Angelina went to Namibia for the birth, in order to avoid the intense media scrutiny on their family at the time.


Shiloh was Brad and Angelina’s first biological child

The first photos of Shiloh were sold for $4.1million (£2.9m) by People, and they became the first-ever infant to be immortalised in wax by Madame Tussauds.

Angelina has spoken of the fact Shiloh “wanted to be a boy” from a young age, and they’ve had their hair cut short since 2010.

Angelina told Vanity Fair: «She likes to wear boys’ everything. She thinks she’s one of the brothers.»

She’s also said: “She only wants to be called John. John or Peter.»


Shiloh now likes to be known as JohnCredit: Splash News

This strong attitude clearly comes from Angelina.

She has said: “I often tell my daughters that the most important thing they can do is to develop their minds. 

“You can always put on a pretty dress, but it doesn’t matter what you wear on the outside if your mind isn’t strong. 

“There is nothing more attractive – you might even say enchanting – than a woman with an independent will and her own opinions.”


Shiloh and Zahara are very closeCredit: Getty — Contributor

They’re often seen hanging out and shopping togetherCredit: Splash News

Shiloh is also very close to their sister, Zahara, and they share a similar friendship group.

The siblings have even been spotted out shopping with Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown.

Is Shiloh Jolie Pitt gay?

Ever since Shiloh was young, she was questioned about her sexuality. Shiloh is not gay, but people have often been confused about her gender and sexuality.

Many wondered if she was gay since she always sported short hair and tomboy-ish outfits. Moreover, she wanted to be referred via a boy’s name when she was young.

The first time she drew notice was in 2008 when Pitt discussed his children in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Shiloh was just over two years old at the time.


He said, “ only wants to be called John. John or Peter. So, it’s a Peter Pan thing. So, we’ve got to call her John. ‘Shi, do you want…’ – ‘John. I’m John.’”

Being dotting parents, Jolie and Pitt agreed with their daughter and called her whatever names she wanted them to say. 

In 2010, Jolie graced the cover of Vanity Fair, where she discussed Shiloh and her outfit choices. She described her daughter as hysterically funny and one of the goofiest and most playful people ever. 

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt often sported short hair and suits when she was young. (Source: Instagram)

She added that Shiloh liked to dress like a male and had a “Montenegro style.” Shiloh enjoyed tracksuits and standard suits at the time and also wore ties, coats, and trousers. 

She wanted to be a boy and felt she was one of her brothers as well, so they chopped her hair to make her happy. It is reported that Jolie fought with Pitt’s mother, Jane, regarding Shiloh’s outfits.

Jane tried to persuade Shiloh to wear typical girlie clothing, but the actress allegedly became enraged. Jane allegedly bought her granddaughter fairy costumes and princess clothes in 2012, years after Pitt and Jolie had previously spoken to the public about Shiloh’s wardrobe and name preferences. 


As predicted, Jolie thought it was insulting and did not approve of Jane’s behavior. For the longest time, Shiloh sported a pixie cut and wore clothes she wanted —  from hoodies and trousers to tuxedos when she went to red carpets with her mother.

Because of Shiloh’s behavior, people have been confused about her sexuality and presumed that she was gay. But now, her style has changed a lot.

She had long hair and started wearing dresses as well. However, in February 2023, she shaved her head to support women in Iran.

A fraught father-son relationship

Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt

Maddox, now 19, was adopted from a Cambodian orphanage in 2002, when he was seven months old.

At the time, Angelina was married to actor Billy Bob Thornton, but they separated three months later.


Maddox was adopted from Cambodia in 2002

She went on to raise Maddox on her own until Brad became his adopted father in 2006.

In 2017, Maddox worked with his mum on the historical thriller, First They Killed My Father.

It tells the story of a five-year-old child soldier during the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, and he was executive producer on the film, while Angelina co-wrote and directed it.

Clearly a clever young man, Maddox is now studying biochemistry, Russian and Korean at Yonsei University in South Korea.


Maddox is now studying biochemistry, Russian and Korean at universityCredit: Rex

He also apparently speaks five languages, and Angelina has spoken of her pride at seeing her oldest grow up.

“I feel my world expands as their world expands, I’m excited. Maddox was so ready.” she told ET.

Although he obviously gets on well with his mum, there have been reports that Maddox has a strained relationship with Brad, after an alleged altercation on his private plane.

However, following a review, the FBI and Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family cleared the actor of any wrongdoing. 

But, when Maddox testified in the custody battle, he appeared to take Angelina’s side, according to Us Weekly.


Maddox doesn’t get on with Brad any more, according to reportsCredit: EPA

An insider told the outlet: “Maddox has already given testimony as adult in the ongoing custody dispute and it wasn’t very flattering toward Brad.

“He doesn’t use Pitt as his last name on documents that aren’t legal and instead uses Jolie. 

“Maddox wants to legally change his last name to Jolie, which Angelina has said she doesn’t support.”

Also, when a paparazzi asked if his father would be visiting him in South Korea, his answer was rather telling.

He simply said: «I don’t know about that.»

Испорченный праздник

Несколько дней назад в прессе появилась информация, что Брэд перебирается подальше от своей суженой и детишек. Актер уже присмотрел себе отличное жилье в Хорватии. Просторная квартира с видом на Адриатику, шум прибоя за окном, блаженное одиночество… По слухам, вторую годовщину свадьбы с Джоли актер отметил именно там. Правда, не с суженой, а в компании друзей.

В Хорватии у актера есть даже свой бизнес. Он в качестве приглашенного архитектора помогает строить в этой стране фешенебельный курорт. Брэду не впервой уезжать от семьи в другую страну. За прошедший год он несколько раз спешно отбывал во Францию из Америки, чтобы немного отдохнуть от семейных забот и ссор с Анджелиной.

»Браки скрепляются на небесах, расторгаются на земле».

Вы уже наверняка слышали слухи, сплетни, рассказы друзей и спекуляции желтой прессы. Но вопрос остается открытым. В чем же причина развода самой знаменитой звездной пары Голливуда.

Прожив столь долгую совместную жизнь, что заставило Джоли пойти на такой шаг?

Вот некоторые из причин, приведшие к такому решению.

Анджелина Джоли

Одна из самых высокооплачиваемых актрис Голливуда и обладательница многочисленных наград, Анджелина Джоли завоевала сердца миллионов поклонников по всему миру.

Знаете, что она заявила пару месяцев назад?

Начиная свою карьеру с малобюджетного фильма Киборг 2 в 1994м г, Анджелина заявила: »Я не думала, что добьюсь такого успеха. У меня есть все, о чем может желать женщина: муж, дети, успешная карьера, друзья и любящая семья».

Анджелина жила с сожителем с 14 лет?

Анджелина ранее признавалась, что жила со своим другом несколько лет и очень любила его.

»Я просила мать принять его, иначе я бы ушла с ним жить даже на улицу. Расставание с ним сильно повлияло на меня. Именно это тяжелое решение и заставило меня стать актрисой».

Джоли и Питт расстались

Инициатива о разводе исходила именно от Джоли. Она держала мужа в неведении до последнего момента.

Почему же пара решила расстаться?

Догадываться можно вечно, но есть конкретные причины, близкие к истине.

Анджелина наняла детектива?

Есть сообщения, что Джоли наняла частного детектива для расследования возможной связи Питта с Мэрион Коттилард. Кто-то может опровергнуть эти предположения, но репутация Питта далеко не чиста в деле внебрачных связей с коллегами-актрисами.

Анджелина Джоли беспокоится о безопасности своих детей?

Джоли боится за своих шестерых детей из-за пристрастия Бреда к наркотикам и непредсказуемого вспыльчивого нрава. Она даже пыталась взять полную опеку над детьми через суд.

Бред не позволил ей продолжить политическую карьеру?

Анджелина намеревалась стать членом британской палаты лордов, для чего ей нужно было стать британской налогоплательщицей. Для этого Джоли захотела продать семейное имение Шато Мираваль с виноградниками во Франции. Питт не позволил ей этого сделать.

Все застыли в ожидании заявления от актрисы

»Любовь – это одна часть жизни, брак другая. Но больнее всего расставание».

Все сомнения и спекуляции будут рассеяны, как только Анджелина сама объяснит ситуацию на пресс-конференции с медиа-персонами. Мы желаем им обоим счастья и наилучшего исхода этой истории.

Joyce Meyer got tattoos at the age of 79

At the age of 79, Meyer decided to get a tattoo—a small cross on her back shoulder with the inscription ‘I belong to Jesus.’ She shared this news in a video posted on her YouTube channel, where she explained the profound inspiration behind her decision.

The author expressed, “Ever since I read that Scripture that said people had tattooed on their hands, ‘I belong to the Lord,’ I thought, I’m going to get a tattoo that says, ‘I belong to Jesus.’”

In the video, she further elaborated on her motivation, stating, “I love God, and I wanted the devil to know I belong to Jesus. He bought me and paid for me with his blood. I am not my own.”

She added, “I am seriously committed and dedicated to God. And I am not going to let some snooty religious attitude keep somebody else out of heaven.’”

Continuing, Meyer addressed the diverse perspectives on the perceived sinfulness of tattoos among Christians. Despite varying beliefs, she remains steadfast in her conviction that her choice aligns with biblical support.

The author emphasized this belief by referencing Isaiah 49:16, asserting that, as a Christian, it is entirely acceptable for her to display a tattoo.

Meyer then shared the heartwarming story of her tattoo artist. About five years ago, during her trip to Australia, she casually mentioned wanting a tattoo that says she belongs to Jesus. A tattoo artist overheard her and felt inspired to help her make it happen.

This artist had faced tough times dealing with bipolar disorder and pressure from some Christians who thought being a tattoo artist was a ticket to hell. Later, touched by Meyer’s wish, he decided to get back into the tattoo business.

Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt, 15

David M. Benett/Dave Benett/WireImage

Knox’s fraternal twin Vivienne Marcheline was born just a minute after her brother on July 12, 2008, weighing in at exactly 5 lbs. She was named after Jolie’s grandmother, with whom she shares the same first name.

As newborns, Vivienne and Knox made their public debut with their parents on the cover of PEOPLE in August 2008.

Samir Hussein/WireImage

While Vivienne has primarily grown up outside of the public eye like her brother Knox, she has already made her on-screen debut. In 2014, she appeared in Maleficent while portraying the younger version of Elle Fanning’s character Aurora. Jolie explained that the duo practiced her scene at home — and she was pretty impressed.

«When we did it together, we had a good time. I was actually shocked that she was doing so well she went back and hit her mark! It’s frightening,» Jolie said during a Disney roundtable.

In August 2023, Jolie announced that she’s bringing an adaptation of S.E. Hinton’s novel and Francis Ford Coppola’s 1983 film, The Outsiders, to Broadway. PEOPLE then confirmed that Vivienne will serve as her mother’s volunteer assistant on the project.

«Viv reminds me of my mother in that she isn’t focused on being the center of attention but in being a support to other creatives,» Jolie said in a statement. «She’s very thoughtful and serious about theatre and working hard to best understand how to contribute.»

When she’s not lending a hand on Broadway, Vivienne is focused on school and raising her pet bunnies.

Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, 17

Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty

In 2006, Jolie and Pitt announced they were expecting a baby. Their daughter Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt was born on May 27 at Cottage Hospital in Swakopmund, Namibia, where the family had spent the past few months. Shiloh immediately fit in with her family, and one year after her birth, Jolie said the little girl was reminding her a lot of herself.

«Shi’s so full of light and love, she’s just a little honey, and very, very funny. I think I’m recognizing some of myself in that one — she’s going to be a little bit of trouble!» she shared.

Jolie has said that growing up, Shiloh thought she was «one of the brothers,» and the family has always supported her fashion choices. The actress told Reuters in 2010, «I think she is fascinating, the choices she is making. And I would never be the kind of parent to force somebody to be something they are not. I think that is just bad parenting. Children should be allowed to express themselves in whatever way they wish without anybody judging them because it is an important part of their growth. Society always has something to learn when it comes to the way we judge each other, label each other. We have far to go.»

As Shiloh has gotten older, she’s become increasingly involved in her mother’s humanitarian efforts. At just nine years old, she requested to join her mother on a trip where they traveled to the Middle East for World Refugee Day — and they have now traveled all across the globe together. Since then, Shiloh has also accompanied Jolie on numerous red carpets, including several humanitarian events. As the duo share an especially tight-knit relationship, she even encouraged Jolie to take on her role in The One and Only Ivan.

Now at 16, Shiloh spends much of her spare time dancing, practicing at Millennium Dance Complex, an elite dance studio in L.A. While she hasn’t spoken out about her passion for dance, she has been featured in several videos shared by the studio.

Shiloh also seems to be interested in theater, as the teen and Jolie met with Paul Mescal in London in February 2023. Mescal stars as Stanley in the A Streetcar Named Desire play at the Almeida Theatre and the trio were reportedly sitting in the theater’s cafe after the show.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s relationship with her parents.

Shiloh is very close with her mother and often joins her during Jolie’s humanitarian missions and red-carpet events. She also stood beside her mother during her parents’ divorce.

Jolie and Pitt had a difficult relationship behind the scenes, which was traumatizing to their six children. After Jolie filed for divorce, she had to go to therapy to get over her relationship.

People reported that Shiloh and her siblings stood beside their mother and went to therapy with her following the divorce. Shiloh often raided her mother’s closet and wore her clothes.

Similarly, Jolie is very supportive of Shiloh’s passions, like dancing. The mother-daughter duo was seen attending the Måneskin concert as well.

All in all, Shiloh has a very good relationship with her mother. Unlike her siblings, Shiloh shares a good connection with her father.

During the divorce, Shiloh did not take the side of any of her parents. It is reported that Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt, Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt, and Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt did not support their father and were on their mother’s side.


OK! Magazine reported that Shiloh was stuck in between and wanted her parents to be civil. A source said, “She’s always reminding her mom and dad of the good times they shared. It pains her terribly to see them treating each other like they’re some type of monster.”

“Shiloh knows there’s no chance of her parents getting back together, but she figures if they could lay down their swords and settle this divorce, everyone’s lives would be better,” the source added.

Moreover, a source told InTouch that she had forgiven her dad for his behavior and alcohol abuse. She knew that Pitt was sober and doing her best. 

As a result, the father-daughter duo grew close and started bonding over things they liked, like watching movies, playing music, watching movies, and their mutual love of art.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: