Hailey Bieber for FILA Anniversary Collection Campaign
This collaboration isn’t a first-time rendezvous; Hailey made her initial splash with FILA in a 2022 campaign and followed it up earlier this year in sporty looks. The multi-year partnership now crystallizes, paving the way for Hailey to work her magic on signature sportswear collections due to launch in fall-winter 2024.
Paired with jewelry, Hailey channels the tennis court for the FILA ad campaign. Photo: Renell Medrano
Hailey dons pieces from FILA’s 50th Anniversary F-Box Collection in the latest campaign. Think polo shirts and tracksuits that not only echo the courts but also exude street cred. The updated styles mix heritage with modernity.
Looking sporty chic, Hailey Bieber wears F-Box Anniversary Collection from FILA. Photo: Renell Medrano
There are jackets and crewnecks in FILA’s signature red, white, and navy. The pieces also feature whimsical elements like tennis racquet graphics and classic stripes. Sneakers are worn with crew socks for a sporty yet casual vibe.
The model shows off her abs in a logo crop top from FILA. Photo: Renell Medrano
The lens of Renell Medrano captured this fashion ad, styled to perfection by Hailey herself alongside Dani Michele. The country club chic looks effortlessly transition from tennis courts to street style. Available as of today on FILA.com, the anniversary collection draws inspiration from the bold and the beautiful—much like Hailey.
Modeling a printed jacket, Hailey Bieber is the face of FILA’s anniversary collection celebrating its F-Box logo. Photo: Renell Medrano
The supermodel shares, “I appreciate the brand’s Italian heritage and the eras of FILA fashion where I can continue to draw inspiration.” Gene Yoon, Global Chairman at FILA, rightly notes that Hailey’s “impact on fashion and culture is undeniable.”
Хейли Бибер носит эти 5 нарядов на повторе (потому что они чертовски хороши)
Модные тренды, Что надеть
Пришло время воспользоваться некоторыми советами этой иконы современного стиля.
Если вы следите за модой знаменитостей в надежде, что их внешность послужит источником вдохновения для создания нового образа, то стиль Хейли Бибер — это то, на что стоит обратить внимание. Бибер была признана одной из икон моды 2022 года по результатам исследования, и ее образы не только очень желанны, но и являются одними из самых простых для повторения с помощью одежды, которая уже есть в вашем гардеробе
Я слежу за революцией в стиле Хейли Бибер уже много лет, и с самого начала было очевидно, что образы модели, ставшей магнатом по уходу за кожей, довольно постоянны и, как правило, придерживаются одной и той же формуле. Идет ли она по красной дорожке или бежит по делам со своим мужем, Бибер и ее стилисты, Карла Уэлч и Дэни Мишель, точно знают приоритеты как для красной ковровой дорожки, так и для уличного стиля. Сначала идет комфорт, затем — крутой фактор ансамбля. Каким-то образом ей удалось найти идеальный баланс между этими двумя понятиями, и результат всегда заслуживает похвалы.
Итак, как же можно повторить стиль Хейли Бибер в повседневной жизни? Ниже я привела пять основных идей нарядов, которые Бибер постоянно использует в ротации, а также советы о том, как повторить их используя свою одежду.
Объемные вещи и многослойность
Обладая модельными параметрами, Хейли Бибер любит акцентировать свою хрупкость не облегающими вещами, а объемной одеждой: безразмерными худи, широкими пальто, мешковатыми спортивными костюмами. Кстати, излюбленный прием модели – сочетание объемных вещей с подчеркнуто сексуальными: например, в этом образе звезда решила надеть безразмерную толстовку (на манер платья) с высокими сапогами.
Хейли Бибер была одной из первых поклонниц тренда на многослойность: джинсовая куртка, надетая поверх толстовки, свитшота или худи, – визитная карточка модели. Как всегда в образах знаменитости большое значение имеют аксессуары: модная легкая весенняя шапка и солнцезащитные очки.

What is Hailey Bieber’s Kibbe Body Type?
This post is a detailed account of how I got to this conclusion. I’ll be focusing on the lines of her body and clothes as well as her essence. I also hope this is a fun read that helps people trying to type themselves (as well as myself) to better understand the lines and other things to look for.
The basis of this analysis is primarily the Kibbe system of body typing, and secondarily the Kitchener system for understanding Essence. These systems are unique and independent, but I like to use them together. Please keep in mind that I’m no expert and these are just my thoughts. They could very well be wrong. Anyway, let’s begin.
You can Find Your Kibbe Type by taking the test here.
Let’s take a look at the lines of Hailey’s body:
I see a boxy silhouette, moderate sizing, and musculature. I see both width and length, but the length is not overly prominent. The chest is open (width), but I also see sharpness in her legs and definitely in her face.
I think her torso is slightly short for her body which is why her length comes off as moderate-tall (and not clearly tall as most Flamboyant Naturals/ Dramatics). Her waist is defined, but her frame is much more dominant over her curve. i.e. even with a defined waist, her silhouette is still rectangular.
Elongation/ Vertical Line
The vertical line is observed in the silhouette between the shoulders and knees and has to do with how fabric falls on the body.
Hailey has a moderately long vertical line. When I look at her, I don’t get the impression that she is very tall. Not short either, she just looks regular, average height. Because of this, I think she looks her best in ultra-short or ultra-long lengths. The midi length is her least flattering.
Hailey looks great in athletic wear. She looks fit, strong, cool, and sexy. This is especially the case when she observes a T-silhouette (slouchy top, slim bottom) as can be seen below:
Hailey looks great in these outfits. This silhouette is made for her. It almost doesn’t matter what she’s wearing as long as she keeps these lines.
Neckline – an interesting observation:
In these similar outfits, Hailey looks better as the neckline gets higher. This was surprising and confusing (since I was leaning toward her being a Flamboyant Natural) until I considered the outfits in their entirety. Her jeans (leg silhouette) play a more significant role in determining how good an outfit looks on her rather than an open neckline (shoulder accommodation).
While they are broad for her frame, her shoulders are not insanely wide, making different necklines viable for her. Her legs, however, are very slim and require a slim leg silhouette. When she does this, even a high neckline works great (third image to the right). When she doesn’t do this, even an open neckline looks bad (first image to the left).
Oversized Blazer
In these similar outfits, she looks better in the leather jacket with rounded edges (right) rather than the blazer with sharp edges (left). This is clear if we cut off her bottom half.
However, when we consider the entire image, she looks better in the first image (left) because her jeans are slim-fitted, which is vital for her. In the second image, the loose jeans kill the great fit of the leather jacket on her to half and the outfit is not flattering overall.
It actually blows my mind how imperative a slim-fit pant silhouette is for Hailey.
Without Structure
These outfits drown Hailey. I don’t even get the sense that it’s her in these clothes. They are too big, loose, casual, and unconstructed for her. There is nothing slim and sleek to anchor them.
Flamboyant Natural Staple- Oversized Suit With Loose Structure
Hailey looks good in these outfits, but not great. I find the pants to be too wide for her and in the case where she’s wearing sneakers (left, right) they are too casual and take something away from the outfit.
Oversized Structured Blazer + Slim Leg
This is how Hailey wears an oversized blazer best. She needs a slim leg. The contrast of the narrow bottom to the wide shoulders emphasizes her T-silhouette and the outfit is in harmony.
Also, importantly, her details (shoes, bags) are polished. A pointed toe further elongates and narrows her leg. If she was wearing sneakers her outfits would lose elegance.
Любовь к клетке и мини
Хейли Бибер обожает жакеты в клетку: модель часто сочетает их с брюками или мини-платьем (длинные ноги знаменитости позволяют ей различные вольности с выбором одежды). Однако Хейли как никто другой умеет носить короткие платья и юбки легко и непринужденно, а любимый пиджак в клетку всегда позволит уравновесить откровенную длину платья.
В гардеробе модели можно найти одежду как в крупную, так и в мелкую клетку: знаменитость любит составлять стильные монохромные образы, разбавляя их различными аксессуарами. Мини-платье, длинный жакет, черная сумка, темные солнцезащитные очки – повседневный образ готов, а при желании, всего лишь сместив акценты, он легко превратится в вечерний.

“You have to figure out how to deal with this shit as it comes, you know? There’s a reason they say ‘for better or for worse.’”
Yet Bieber is a street-style individualist. She looks fabulous in the usual influencer uniforms, like oversize greige suits and the yassified Princess Diana après-gym ensemble of baggy T-shirt, barely there bike shorts, and sneakers. But she also wears things that are truly steeped in self-possession: a sheer white Coperni lace dress with funky little rosettes, weird jeans by Eytys, or a Jean Paul Gaultier look from his 1990s golden age. Her style is not the effort of a well-assembled team but the joyful expression of a true clotheshorse who peruses the men’s department (that’s how she discovered Rose) and scrolls sites like Ssense.
Though Bieber’s looks are hypercontemporary, her approach is ultra old-school. She dreams up different “vibes” (to use her favorite word) for trips and events, whether it’s a vacation in the Northwest or a friend’s wedding. Her process is true fashion-icon behavior. In fact, it recalls that of Diana, to whom Bieber paid tribute in a magazine shoot in 2019 and who also made carefully considered fashion choices with whimsy and ease. “I was really inspired by the fact that she was the most-looked-at woman in the world at that time, of all time, and she did what she wanted with her style,” Bieber says of the late princess. “She really expressed herself through her style despite being in the position she was in.”
Diana’s status as a paparazzi target also resonates with Bieber. She admits that getting dressed sometimes makes her feel anxious, in spite of how much she loves it. “I get photographed so much that I feel like sometimes I put pressure on myself.” In part, it’s her own perfectionism. “Even if I’m just throwing on jeans and a T-shirt, I want it to be a dope pair of jeans and a great T-shirt!”
Bieber always puts in the effort—in fashion and romance. The day we spoke marked four years since she and Justin got engaged. “He’s still the person that I wanna be rushing back to,” Bieber says. “I might fly somewhere and go do a job, but I can’t wait to come back and hang out. And I feel like that’s because of the effort that’s been put in on both sides. At the end of the day, like, he’s my best friend, but it still does take a lot of work to make it work. And then I know eventually, when kids come in the picture, that’s going to be a whole other season of navigating how to make that work.”
Whatever comes, she’ll have the right attitude—and look—to take it on.
Клубничный макияж
Ничего сверхъестественного: макияж «клубничной девочки» — это обилие ярких красноватых румян, напоминающих своих оттенком спелую ягоду, и ровная подсвеченная кожа. На губы можно нанести те же самые (лучше кремовые или жидкие) румяна и мягко растушевать подушечками пальцев.
Кстати, про возникновение тренда. Сам хэштег существовал и до этого, но в одном из личных видео, Хейли, показывая свою уходовую и макияжную рутину, «случайно» засветила первый и еще не вышедший декоративный продукт ее собственного косметического бренда Rhode. И это, судя по нанесению именно на щеки, — либо румяна, либо универсальный продукт-тинт для лица. Свежий бьюти-образ настолько понравился интернет-пользователям, что теперь #strawberrygirl — самый быстро растущий запрос с макияжем в TikTok (свыше 50-ти млн просмотров).
Фото: @hieyaaa
Фото: @fraug
Фото: @mireillecleeБьюти-средства, которые отлично подойдут
Румяна для лица Rouge Blush 999, Dior
Помада для губ Creamy Moisturizing Lipstick Delight DL7, MANLY PRO
Жидкая матовая помада Velvet Water 01, DARLING*
Насыщенные румяна для моделируемого макияжа Smart Colour Blush 08 Bright Red, KIKO MILANO
Эти 4 простых принципа ухода за кожей помогут поддержать чистоту пор Читать
Travel-косметичка актрисы Сони Присс: идеальный консилер, многофункциональный продукт для бровей и другие ее фавориты Читать
6 способов быстро избавиться от автозагара и не навредить коже Читать
What was the fallout?
Gomez announced Feb. 23 that she was taking time off from social media. That was the same day she dethroned Kylie Jenner as the most followed woman on Instagram. Only soccer’s Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, plus Instagram itself, have more followers.
“I love who I am, and yeah, I’m going to be taking a second from social media ’cause this is a little silly,” Gomez told her fans. “And I’m 30, I’m too old for this. But I love you guys so much and I will see you guys sooner than later.”
On Feb. 28, DailyMail.com reported that Jenner had lost “an estimated one million followers” on Instagram in the wake of the (alleged) shade, dropping from 380 million to 379 million followers. By Monday, however, she had 380 million again. According to social media stats site Social Blade, she’s down about 129,000 followers in the last 30 days, during which time a lot more than EyebrowGate has happened.
To put that in numbers humans can understand, that’s like selling a Kylie Lip Kit for $32 for a while, only to wake up one day and find out it’s worth eight cents less. And then seeing a couple of days later that it’s worth $31.99 again. Traumatic.
Hailey Bieber on ‘Jelena’ fuss: ‘I was never with him when he was in a relationship’
Hailey Bieber opened up about marriage to singer Justin Bieber and the perceived overlap fans think they had with his ex Selena Gomez.
Sept. 28, 2022
Meanwhile, Gomez added more acolytes than usual during the same period, winding up with her current 395 million followers. Social Blade says she has added 19.3 million in the last 30 days, during which time — again — a lot more than EyebrowGate has happened.
And Hailey Bieber is still only the 118th most followed person on Instagram. She has only 49.4 million people hanging on her every post. That’s down almost a million in the last 30 days, per Social Blade, during which time … you know the drill. Please let’s not get into correlation versus causation, mm-kay?
Стиль «Абажур» со спортивным уклоном
Ариана Гранде может считаться королевой стиля «абажур», но Бибер, похоже, и сама в последнее время является его большой поклонницей, придав этому образу спортивный характер.
В ноябре модель пришла в спортзал в серой безразмерной толстовке с круглым вырезом, которая была настолько длинной, что скрывала короткие шорты, надетые под ней. Вместо сапог до колена она надела кроссовки и носки в складку, дополнив образ бейсболкой Nike, резинкой на запястье и золотыми серьгами.
Через месяц Бибер снова появилась в похожем ансамбле, на этот раз в чуть более короткой (но все равно длинной) толстовке, из-под которой выглядывали серые короткие шорты. В соответствии с фитнес-модой, она собрала волосы в хвост (закрепив его красной резинкой) и обула синие кроссовки в тон толстовке и бутылке с водой. Для меня это повседневное сочетание.
Изящная повседневность
Несмотря на то что в повседневной жизни знаменитость стремится к комфорту и удобству, модель старается в любом своем образе найти ту самую деталь, которая запомнится окружающим. Многим известна любовь Хейли к кроп-топам: модель обычно надевает их под многочисленные удлиненные жакеты либо носит как самостоятельное «оружие поражения». Минимализм, простой крой, изящные аксессуары – все как завещала принцесса Диана.

Кстати, любимыми аксессуарами модели являются маленькие, но массивные золотые серьги-кольца: знаменитость часто носит их как в будни, так и на торжественных мероприятиях.
Крутой «отцовский» стиль
Какая еще одна константа в стиле Бибер? Ей нравится непринужденный спортивный стиль. Когда я описываю некоторые из ее нарядов как «Крутой отцовский стиль», я не имею в виду, что она носит спортивную одежду. Скорее, 26-летняя девушка тяготеет к пиджакам, кроссовкам и кепкам, которые вы можете найти в шкафу своего отца. Простая формула, но она сочетает их друг с другом так, что создается впечатление, что они высококлассные и изящные.
Например, в январе 2022 года Бибер была сфотографирована в черных брюках, простой серой толстовке (с поднятым капюшоном) и клетчатом пиджаке поверх. Аксессуары были минимальными — черная бейсболка и солнцезащитные очки, а завершали образ, судя по всему, поношенные кроссовки. Это говорит о том, что «я не обычный папа, я крутой папа».
И для всех, кто когда-либо воротил нос от заправленной футболки, Бибер приводит убедительные аргументы в ее пользу. Она была сфотографирована в Париже в белой футболке, заправленной в джинсы с широкими штанинами, подпоясанные черным ремнем с золотой пряжкой. Она добавила белые кроссовки и блейзер, а также свои фирменные золотые украшения — ожерелье и серьги — и уложила волосы в зачесанный назад пучок.
Hailey used to do ballet and she wanted to be a professional ballet dancer. Unfortunately she hurt her foot which meant she couldn’t do ballet anymore but she continued to be active and she exercise regularly.
She does a combination of hot Pilates, yoga, strength training, and cardio.
And if you want to train like Hailey, we have a workout video course that will help you achieve that model like look. The challenge lasts for 5 days and it’s completely free. You can join below
Hot yoga has been on everyone’s radar for years now. But the workout Hailey swears by most is hot Pilates.
These classes take the concept of hot yoga and apply them to traditional Pilates moves. For people struggling with stiffness or those who find that yoga poses are just a bit too difficult, Pilates is a great alternative.
It offers more flexibility with the poses and can even help rehab injured muscles. And the heat makes a huge difference.
Hailey relies on the heat to keep her muscles loose which allows her to push herself harder in each workout.
Pilates classes are usually designed to be a full-body workout. But Hailey uses most sessions to focus on building her core and strengthening her lower back.
And unlike weight lifting, this form of exercise builds strength without adding bulkiness to your muscles. Bodyweight styles workouts like pilates are a great way to tone your body without getting bulky.
Like many professional models, Hailey works out at the Dogpound gym in New York City.
She loves to focus on balance exercises that help build her coordination and strengthen her core.
When she’s in the gym, her workout consists of a 4-part exercise that targets her entire lower body, back and abs included.
It’s a combination of these four exercises:
- Single leg balance exercise
- Single leg deadlift
- Forward lunge
- Stationary lunge with weights
Hailey loves to box and sometimes to make it more challenging she chooses to do it while blindfolded!
Just looked her go!
Boxing is a great cardio workout and it’s amazing for toning your arms without adding bulkiness!
Платья, Платья, Платья
Независимо от того, позирует ли она на красной ковровой дорожке или выступает в качестве гостьи на ток-шоу, Бибер явно полюбила длинные, сдержанные платья в 2022 году. Одним из моих фаворитов стало белое платье-миди от Jil Sander, которое она надела на пресс-тур, посвященный запуску ее бренда по уходу за кожей Rhode
Оно было изысканным и привлекало внимание, а подходящие к нему туфли на шпильке добавили образу элегантности
Затем, на церемонии вручения премии «2022 Innovator Awards» журнала Wall Street Journal в Музее современного искусства в ноябре, Бибер появилась на красной дорожке в потрясающем черном платье Saint Laurent, с волнистыми волосами и минимальным макияжем. Ни для кого не секрет, что Бибер — натуральная красавица, но если что-то и доказывает это, так это этот сдержанный, но потрясающий момент.
Хотите узнать больше о том, как раскрыть свой индивидуальный стиль?
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Ваша поддержка значит для меня очень много! До встречи!
Things we know for sure (ish)
On Feb. 21, on TikTok and in her Instagram Stories, Gomez (allegedly) posted a series of videos. In the first, she mimicked saying “My name … my name is Bella Hadid.” But words placed on that video read, according to Women’s Health U.K., “I wish I was as pretty as Bella Hadid.” That was followed by another video where Gomez said in her own voice, “Instead, this is me. I laminated my brows too much.” Then there was another: “My name is Selena Gomez … see, it doesn’t even sound sexy.”
Selena Gomez has had enough of those ‘silly’ Hailey Bieber rumors: ‘Too old for this’
Selena Gomez is giving up social media, again, amid speculation about a feud with Hailey Bieber. The singer-actor is taking ‘a break from everything.’
Feb. 23, 2023
The same day, about three hours later, Jenner posted a picture of herself in her Instagram Stories with the words “this was an accident ?????” positioned over her eyebrows. This was interpreted as Jenner shading Gomez. Because, um, both posts included eyebrows?
Also the same day, Bieber posted a TikTok featuring herself, Kendall Jenner and singer Justine Skye lip-syncing to the words “I’m not saying she deserved it, but I’m saying God’s timing is always right.” She later deleted the post, but others have since reposted it. Were they talking directly to Gomez? Some Very Online People seem to think so.
On Feb. 22, commenting on a video in which a TikTok user speculated that Kylie Jenner had thrown shade at Gomez, the youngest Kardashian-Jenner (allegedly) wrote, “this is reaching. no shade towards selena ever and i didn’t see her eyebrow posts! u guys are making something out of nothing. this is silly.”
Gomez commented back (allegedly), “Agreed @kyliejenner. It’s all unnecessary. I’m a fan of Kylie!” We say “allegedly” because last time we looked there were about 25,000 comments on the post. People had to quote yet another outlet to capture that last comment.
Selena Gomez finds her balance and shares her struggle in the song ‘My Mind & Me’
Selena Gomez went from “pretty dresses and dancing and singing” to a mental-health episode that changed everything. The pop superstar hopes her song about it can reach others in pain.
Jan. 10, 2023
Also falling into the “facts” category: Selena Gomez dated Justin Bieber on and off from 2011 through 2018. Hailey Bieber dated Justin Bieber from 2015 to 2016, then got engaged to him soon after he and Gomez said goodbye for good. The couple got married at a courthouse in September 2018, then did the wedding thing again a year later, because why not.
Fans of the Bieber-Gomez and Bieber-Baldwin (Hailey’s maiden name; she’s the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin) romances have kept a semblance of an alleged feud alive, and it seems to have reignited now.
Selena Gomez’s lupus meds make her gain water weight — and she’s OK with that
Selena Gomez says she’s ‘Not a model. Never gonna be.’ She’s OK with weight gain from taking her lupus medications because they make her feel better.
Feb. 17, 2023
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Essence- Makeup
Hailey looks her best in Natural makeup. She can handle a slightly intense eye, but nothing drastic. Her best lips colors are natural shades.
These are Hailey’s least flattering makeup looks. The two images to the right show her in very intense dark lipstick shades. They overpower her delicate coloring and look very off.
The middle images (and top right) showcase eye makeup that is too intense. Again, this overpowers Hailey’s face.
Hailey’s Dramatic essence calls for visible makeup and styling. The bottom right image shows her in ‘no makeup’ makeup. This is very underwhelming for her and the lack of sleekness in her hair also creates an overall ‘undone’ look which is not flattering on her.
Now, let’s consider these looks:
I…don’t like this look, but I think it works and I’d like to discuss why.
The dress is too unconstructed for Hailey and it literally does nothing for her. I think it’s too structureless even for the most Flamboyant Natural person, let alone Hailey.
However, she did everything else right (hair, makeup, and shoes), such that the sum of those sleek, sharp, Dramatic elements balanced out the dress.
The result is a poor look, but one that is being pulled off. I find this very interesting.
This look is a risk that pays off. She went in a direction that is opposite to what is ‘best’ for her, but she grounded it in the elements that are fundamental for her and it works.
The dress is a bit too whimsical and lightweight, but the bodice is sharp and fitted and the slit is high. The pink hair is a tad too Romantic and girly, but the cut is blunt and all of it is pulled back. The vertical line is long, the shoes are sharp.
Flamboyant Natural Staple- Loose, long, knits
There is not enough Dramatic in these outfits. She is drowned by a lack of structure and these fabrics are too textured for her.
In the first look, even her accessories are rounded, slouchy, and rouched which makes it worse. She looks like someone else. The accessories in the second look are sleek and thus better, but it’s not enough to balance the outfit. An all-white outfit is also too light for her and washes her out.
The third look is the best of these three, but not her best. This look is also stabilized by the accessories.
Gamine leaning
These are not Hailey’s clothes, or they shouldn’t be. She does not have a Gamine essence and so she looks childish in the first two looks (left, and right) and completely devoid of elegance and style. These looks don’t come off as ‘cool’ on her, just bad.
The lack of structure, the oversized pants, the graphics, the haphazard use of color, as well as the bulky shoes- all, do nothing for her.
The look on the right is the best, because of the oversized leather jacket. It establishes the T-silhouette and makes the outfit work. Now she looks cool and low-key. Notice how the colors are subdued and the palette is clean.
I dislike all these outfits very much. The fit of the jeans in the first outfit is too loose and the shoes cause unflattering bunching at the calves. The top looks cheap. I know it’s Balenciaga because it screams it, but that kind of clothing cheapens Hailey’s grown and classy essence.
The jeans in the second look (middle) are crazy. The giant holes, the flare leg, the string tie, and the zip detail are all too much. This kind of excessive detailing takes away from her.
The third look (right) looks like it came from two different outfits- serious up top and casual down low- and they don’t mesh together well. She needs a streamlined and cohesive outfit. She looks like someone’s Aunty.
I think the jacket is too long and narrowly fitted. The sweater and shades are fine. The jeans are awful. Mom jeans do nothing for Hailey except make her look wide. The sneakers are too casual for this very confusing outfit.
Romantic Essence
Hailey does not have a soft yin/ lush Romantic essence. Her femininity is strictly more on the sexy side, expressed through the bigger, sharper yang lines of her frame. These cute and girly dresses are very separate from her and actually make her look less feminine.
The first outfit (left) is quite bad. The ties in front and the length of the skirt are the worst offenders. There is no structure and she completely loses shape. The pattern is childish. It’s just bad.
The second look (middle) has a great length but the fabric is too lightweight and delicate and the ruffles make it even more so. Overall, it’s not terrible but it’s also not near being good.
The third dress (right) is lovely, it is simple and feminine but not girly. However, the pattern is awful (for her) and it throws off the entire outfit. But imagine if the dress has a light, gentle pattern or even imagine it in black.
Suddenly all we would see is the fit, which completes her Natural lines, and she would look ‘free and easy’ which is what I think she was trying to achieve with all these looks.
Ingénue Essence
These pictures demonstrate just how much Hailey doesn’t have the Ingénue essence. She is not girlish and cute, she is grown and sexy. She doesn’t look cute in these girlish styles, she looks like she’s trying to be cute. It’s very separate from her.
Oversized + Cropped
These looks are unflattering. Hailey is lost in these outfits and her body both disappears and is made wider at the same time. The styling is too casual and overall she looks disheveled.
Fitted + Cropped
Yes! Love them, all of them. This cut at her waist, which is naturally high, follows and highlights her lines perfectly. The open necklines are a win. The accessories are perfect.
Even in the first look with the sneakers and slightly wider pants, she looks perfectly casual. Because she got her basics right, the look is complete and harmonious.
In the third image, the slouchy cardigan creates a relaxed T-silhouette. She looks great.
More examples of how this high waist, slim- leg and cropped jacket silhouette works so beautifully on Hailey.
The middle outfit is even more flattering because the oversized cropped jacket creates a Dramatic T-silhouette, and the monochrome look offers elongation by maintaining her vertical. It’s perfect.
The third look shows this at play with a skirt suit. This is obviously a casual look, but this outfit would look even better with a shaper, stiffer fabric and cut.
Ultimately, Hailey’s diet and workout work for her because they suit her body type. So if you have the same body type and similar goals like Hailey they may work great for you too. But if you are for example an endomorph and you want to get lean legs, Hailey’s gym routine may cause your legs to bulk up.
Remember, it all comes down to doing what your body needs. And if you’re trying to get rid of stubborn belly fat or want to FINALLY see your legs slimming down, you need to tailor your workouts and diet according to your body type. You can solve my FREE Quiz to find out what is your body type and how you should train and eat to get the best possible results.
Love Rachael xx
Монохромные моменты
Если проанализировать лучшие моменты стиля Бибер за последние несколько лет, можно заметить, что две вещи остаются неизменными во всех её образах: Комфорт и удобство — то, что обычно обеспечивают однотонные вещи. С одинаковыми комплектами вам не нужно думать о том, что с чем сочетается, а Бибер, как известно, не раз демонстрировала синхронный ансамбль на красной ковровой дорожке и за ее пределами.
Образ, представленный на фотографии выше, является одним из моих любимых. Выйдя на ночную прогулку в Сохо, Бибер выбрала шоколадно-коричневую цветовую гамму. Правда, наряд не является традиционным сочетающимся комплектом, но все гармонично подобрано, от кожаной куртки до топа в клетку и расклешенных брюк.
Даже во второй половине дня, когда ей не нужно наводить лоск, Бибер выбирает согласованный, комфортный стиль. Еще в сентябре мульти-гифенант вышла на улицу с мужем Джастином в мешковатых хакисах и бежевом вязаном свитере.
Over the weekend, Hailey flaunted her $500K engagement ring in a video amid speculation that she has split from her husband, Justin.
Rumors of marriage troubles erupted after the star posted several new snapshots to social media without her musician husband appearing in a single photo.
Hailey put speculation of a split to rest after her engagement ring was heavily featured in a new makeup tutorial video she posted on Instagram.
In the video, the model provided step-by-step instructions on how she creates an «easy, glowy summer makeup look.»
She reminded her viewers that » always want to have that super glazed, glowy, juicy skin» as prepped her face by massaging in glazing milk.
As she rubbed the moisturizer, Hailey’s wedding band and pricey engagement ring—which features a gigantic oval-cut diamond—could be seen close-up and firmly fitted to her left ring finger.
Hailey went on to complete her summer makeup look within the short video and her engagement ring was never out of frame for longer than it needed to be.
Last Tuesday, Hailey again seemed to squash the rumors by posting a picture of herself, Justin, and their friends.
In the pics, Hailey and Justin snuggled close together for the snaps.
As mentioned, fans grew concerned about Hailey and Justin’s marriage after spotting an odd detail in one of Hailey’s recent social media posts.
Some felt Hailey’s post seemed «fishy» when Justin didn’t make the cut for any of the photos.
The Rhode founder shared a carousel of photos that showed a few moments from her life recently; including one of her holding a cherry, a snap of her dog, and a video of fireworks.
She also included some shots of her posing in a ruched white top that she accessorized with plenty of silver jewelry for an all-white party in the Hamptons.
In the comments section, one concerned follower wrote: «Why is she active on Instagram posting pictures and Justin hasn’t post anything since May 2 months is he okay?
«And she hasn’t even post a picture with Justin… that’s your husband don’t share you love?
«Justin last pic was with her and she hasn’t post any pic with him?
«Isn’t the fishy or what is happening,» they concluded.